SCATE Center hosts Pee Dee Scholars Spring 2023 Orientation
S-STEM (Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

Pee Dee Scholars Spring 2023 “Lunch and Learn” Session
Students new to the Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC)’s S-STEM (Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Pee Dee Scholars program participated this Spring (March 2023) in a more in-depth orientation. The project supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, Pee Dee Scholars allows FDTC to provide at least eight scholarships annually to financially needy, academically talented students through the Pee Dee Scholars scholarship program. The scholarship includes support for tuition, books, fees and supplies. The scholars also receive a “loan to own” Z Space 3D laptop and MI-FI wireless device supported by the scholarship. Pee Dee scholars in the cohort at FDTC and that transfer to Coker University(CU) , CU commits to support the PDS transfers with continuing scholarships from both the S-STEM grant and from institutional funds for additional two years or until graduation.
In an effort to help guide students in finding FDTC’s resources and on-campus support, the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship Program Spring 2023 orientation, “Lunch and Learn” session was held on in the SIMT Building on March 7, 2023 students enrolled in the Associate of Science degree track. The session was organized so the (6 ) current FDTC Pee Dee Scholars students could learn more about their Pee Dee Scholars scholarship requirements, including financial aid, academic, and student support opportunities, résumé building, and our unique student bridge to transfer to Coker University as part of the Pee Dee Scholars program.
The SCATE Center hosted the informational session that was attended by several Pee Dee Scholars as well as FDTC science faculty. Rick Roberts, Co-Principal Investigator highlighted the provisions of the scholarship including acceptance to Coker University and continued scholarship support for students who transfer from FDTC to Coker University. Dr. Joseph Flaherty, Principal Investigator and Professor of Biology; Director of Undergraduate Research; Coordinator of the Biology Education Program at Coker University and Dr Katie Flaherty, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness presented current student supports for incoming Coker students and comprehensive transfer paths and supports specific to Pee Dee Scholars as they chart their path to Coker University to pursue their bachelor degree.
The South Carolina Advanced Technological Education (SCATE) Center of Excellence administers the National Science Foundation’s S-STEM grant program. “This session promoted information sharing and specific pathways to Coker University,” said Rick Roberts, Co-Principal Investigator on the Pee Dee Scholars grant and Managing Director of the SCATE Ctr. “A lot of the student questions are about how students can become and remain involved, discover opportunities to connect with employers and other students, what each campus supports they access and making connections to internships. For us, the orientations help to keep the students on the proper path to guide their journey here at FDTC.” The Pee Dee Scholars orientation is the first step in building a cohort of students that can support and assist each other as they maneuver through the college experience here and if they choose to transfer, at Coker University.