SCATE Center reaffirms partnership
The SCATE Center reaffirms its working collaboration with the Center for Occupational Research and Development by the awarding of grant for the Necessary Skills Now Network, an ATE Coordination Network to CORD.

The Network’s formation is in response to demands from employers across the U.S. for colleges to address the lack of employability or “soft” skills among entry-level technicians in a broad range of high-technology fields. The Network will assist community and technical colleges in sharing resources, exploring new teaching methods, and collaborating with local employers to help students improve their mastery of essential workplace skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, communication, and dependability.
The SCATE Center will serve as liaison to other Advanced Technological Education centers and projects and to ATE Central, SCATE will assist in coordination of dissemination activities and listening sessions and Co-PI Rick Roberts will serve as a moderator for the Research to Practice forum as best practices are developed by the Network. The SCATE Center is proud of this continuing partnership and collaboration with CORD.