Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship Program Application

Ready to join the Pee Dee Scholars Program?

1). Review the Eligibility Requirements to see if you qualify;
2). Not quite sure if you’re ready to apply, view the Awarded Students’ Rewards;
3). Submit your Pee Dee Scholars application;
4). After you have submitted your application, someone from the SCATE Center will contact you to discuss the program in more detail.

(*) - required information
Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship
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(ie….Associate of Science-Biology)

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Select "Yes" if any of the following apply:
• Deaf or serious difficulty hearing
• Blind or serious difficulty seeing while wearing glasses
• Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs
• Other serious disability related to a physical, mental, or emotional condition

Student Address – Permanent Residence
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This information is gathered for record-keeping purposes for the National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM Scholarship program and is not shared.
S-STEM/Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship Compliance

Florence-Darlington Technical College (FDTC) was awarded a sub award in collaboration with Coker University for an S-STEM (Scholarships - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to serve financially needy, academically talented students through its Pee Dee Scholars program. The program assists promising students enrolled in the curriculum full-time seeking an associate degree in Associate Degree in Science (AAS). {Nursing and Allied Health excluded}. In addition to receiving funds for tuition, books, and supplies, Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship are eligible to participate in an innovative loan-to-own laptop computer and MiFi hotspot or automotive diagnostic tool program. The purpose of the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship Scholarship program is to provide academic, and financial assistance so that eligible students may complete their academic programs.

Please read and check the below boxes to acknowledge you read each item and agree to the following requirements. You will be tested on your reading.

1. As a recipient of the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship program, I understand that I must comply with the guidelines set forth in the National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM grant.

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2. I am required to maintain a 3.0 GPA. If my GPA falls below a 3.0, I will be placed on Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship academic probation. I have a one-semester grace period to improve my GPA to a 3.0 or better. If I am successful in improving my GPA, I will be removed from academic probation. However, if I am unsuccessful in improving my GPA, I understand that I must relinquish the laptop computer or automotive tool to the Florence-Darlington Technical College Wellman Library and I will no longer receive Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship funds.

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3. The purpose of the S-STEM/Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship program is to facilitate the on-time completion of my degree requirements, and I am expected to follow the course outline for my program as outlined in the FDTC catalog, which will require attending a summer semester. Dropping a course may jeopardize on-time completion of my degree, and I am required to notify my advisor and the SCATE Managing Director if I plan to drop a course. If it is determined that dropping the course will prevent the on-time completion of my degree, and I choose to drop the course anyway, I will be required to return the laptop and Mi-Fi hotspot or automotive diagnostic tool and will no longer be eligible for the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship.

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4. If I fail a class that has been paid for by the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship, regardless of the effect on my cumulative GPA, I will be expected to pay to retake that class. The Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship fund will not pay for me to repeat the class.

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5. At the end of each semester, I am required to return the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship tools: laptop and MiFi hotspot or automotive diagnostic tool to the Wellman Library for inventory purposes. I am expected to return my laptop or tool by the last day of exams.

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6. If I receive a laptop computer I am also eligible to request a loaned Mi Fi hotspot for use while I am pursuing my associate degree in Science. (Excluding Nursing and Allied Health Programs)
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7. I must maintain a full-time course load, unless I am in my last semester before graduation, or unless I have received prior permission to take fewer than 12 full-time credit hours. An example of an exception for which I would receive permission to enroll in fewer than 12 credit hours would be when the number of hours specified for my program during that semester was fewer than 12.

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8. Demonstrated financial need is a requirement of the S-STEM grant and to demonstrate need I must complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form for each school-calendar year that I am enrolled. Failure to complete a FAFSA for the fall semester by June 30 will result in the loss of my scholarship and forfeiture of the laptop computer.
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9. A change in my financial status may result in the loss of Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship and the laptop and MI-FI tool if I can no longer demonstrate financial need, per the federal government’s formula. If recalculation of the formula by the federal government results in a change to my financial need status, the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship will remain in effect through graduation, provided I have adhered to all other stipulations as outlined in this document, and I have been a Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship recipient for at least two semesters.
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10. Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship funds will be applied after any and all other Financial Aid and Scholarships, such as Pell or LIFE, have been applied. Funds will be placed in my bookstore account at the beginning of each semester. In addition to funds for books, I will receive a stipend for supplies for my classes. I must be registered for at least 12 hours each semester for my bookstore account to be updated. Failure to register full-time by the first day of class will result in a delay in having my bookstore account updated.
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11. At the end of my final semester as a Pee Dee Scholar, I am required to return the loan-to-own laptop computer and MiFi hotspot to the Wellman Library at FDTC. After the Pee Dee Scholar management team has verified the completion of my degree requirements and the fulfillment of all financial or other obligations to the college, I will be notified that I have completed the loan-to-own requirements and will be asked to complete the ownership transfer form.
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12. Failure of a graduate to complete the ownership transfer form within 60 days of the last day of exams of the graduate's final semester in the program for which the Pee Dee Scholars scholarship applied will result in permanent forfeiture of the graduate's option to gain ownership of a Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship laptop computer.
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13. The operating system disks will remain the property of SC ATE/FDTC until the transfer of ownership upon graduation. It is a violation of Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship policy to disable FDTC’s administrative rights by changing computer settings.
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14. Consent to Participate in Research: You will be asked to participate in the research and evaluation activities required to investigate and demonstrate program impact. These activities will involve completion of surveys, one-on-one or group interviews, and review of secondary data as it relates to your participation (e.g., attendance rates, demographic data, mentoring). During these data collection activities, you will be asked to describe your perceptions of the program and your ideas for improving the program. You will receive no payment for your participation. Your participation in this project is voluntary - you may decide to leave the study at any time. You may also refuse to answer any questions you do not want to answer and still remain in the study. I understand the research process and I agree to participate in this student impact study.

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15. Consent for Photo Release: I consent to being photographed and to the recording and broadcast of reproduction of my voice and likeness, performance and/or talents, and any material produced, as a participant in the Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship project. I consent to being interviewed and to the use of my name, position, statements, and quotes in promotional or advertising material for the SCATE Center of Excellence. My name and likeness may be used in advertising and promotional material for the Project. I represent that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older and have the right to enter into this agreement.

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I have read and understand the S-STEM/Pee Dee Scholars Scholarship Compliance Document.
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Assessment of Compliance Document Understanding
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-1003733. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Copyright © SCATE Center of Excellence. All rights reserved. All material on this website is provided at no-cost under the Creative Commons License, “Attribution—Non-Commercial—Share Alike"